In the picturesque surroundings of Wildernesse, against the backdrop of Founder’s Court, an evening of fine food, convivial company and live entertainment lies in store, providing the perfect environment to celebrate the end of our pupils’ time at School.The evening’s festivities are open to all 2020 Leavers and their parents. If parents are not able to attend, we would expect our 2020 OCs to be clear which party of friends they will be with for the evening (and Hms can certainly help to link people up with others from their House year group).
7:00pm – Drinks receptions in House groups welcome our guests before everyone enters the tepee village
8:00pm – Gastronomic grazing follows with a wide range of culinary options available across our canvas commune, allowing all tastes and those seeking social distancing to be satisfied
9:00pm - Entertainment commences, including a live band, silent disco and other attractions
Midnight - Carriages